Third-party EPUB checking tools

Run extra tools to check your EPUBs validity, accessibility and suitability for retailers.

Accessibility reports with Ace, by DAISY

Third-party EPUB checking tools

Install this recommend tool on your Mac and CircularFLO will open a report to show the condition of your fixed layout and reflowable EPUBs.

Ace, by DAISY runs extra accessibility checks on your valid EPUB. If present on your Mac then CircularFLO will use this tool to run accessibility checks to your EPUBs as they are created.

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Third-party EPUB checking tools

EPUB validity with Pagina EPUB-Checker

Third-party EPUB checking tools
Automatic validity checking of your EPUBs after export.

We recommend the installation of the free tool Pagina EPUB-Checker for EPUB validation.

If Pagina EPUB-Checker is present on your Mac then CircularFLO will use this tool to validate your EPUBs as they are created.

A CircularFLO preference allows you to switch off this auto validation if preferred.

As the output is automated there is rarely an issue but the report generated can be useful to guarantee there will be no issues when passed to distributors and retailers but, be warned, the report is rather wordy! Expect to see each font in the EPUB listed for information. Only if there are warnings or errors do we need to investigate further.

When the background of this panel is coloured light green and the last line declares 'EPUB is valid!' we can be certain the EPUB has passed the epubcheck.

A sample Pagina EPUB-Checker report that shows no issues.
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Third-party EPUB checking tools

Ebook retailer checks with FlightDeck

Third-party EPUB checking tools

Choose to connect with the paid service FlightDeck and your files can be automatically sent to FlightDeck for extra checks on suitability for retailers.

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Third-party EPUB checking tools