Using a spreadsheet for image descriptions
An offline method of preparing images for description in bulk
We recommend SIDD (The Simple Image Descriptions Database) for the best method of preparation, management and importing of image descriptions in bulk.
But… if you are unable to use SIDD there is an older, alternative method offered for preparing and import multiple image descriptions back into InDesign using a spreadsheet file.
Use the Prepare Images for Description tool to create a package of optimised images ready for bulk description on the dekstop along witha spreadsheet file (in .tsv format).
By keeping the structure of the exported TSV file intact, the descriptions can be edited then prepared for import.

Google Sheets:
- From the File menu, select Download as then select Tab-separated values (.tsv, current sheet). This will download the currently selected sheet as a tab-separated .TSV file, inheriting the name of your spreadsheet. Select the Save as… or Save File As…command from your browser's File menu.
- Name your file and specify the file type as a Text File (*.txt). Click Save.
Apple Numbers:
- From the File menu, select Export To… then select TSV. This will save the currently selected sheet as a tab-separated .TSV file, inheriting the name of your spreadsheet.
- Name your file and leave the settings as default (Text encoding UTF-8) specify the file type as a Text File (*.txt). Click Save.
Microsoft Excel:
- Open the File menu and select the Save as...command.
- In the Save as type drop-down box, select the Text (tab-delimited) (*.txt) option.
- Select the Save button. If any warning messages pop up, select the OK or Yes button.
Once descriptions are prepared, use the Import image descriptions tool to bring in the image descriptions and auto apply them to each image.