GreenLight Checks

Choose from over one hundred ready made GreenLight checks that run on your documents to help you #InDesignBetter

GreenLight checks can be run individually or grouped and run together as GreenLight checklists.

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Accessibility Checks

Accessibility metadata added
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All styles have export tags
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Header tags on sections
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Headings applied in sequence
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Images added to reading order
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Images are anchored
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Images are described
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No bold tags applied to styles
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Reading order defined
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Section markers added
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Tables have header rows
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Text at legible size
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Text contrast has been checked
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Text thread pages follow on
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Bleed & Trim checks

Bleed eighth inch
Bleed is set to 10mm
Bleed is set to 3mm
Bleed is set to 5mm
Bleed is set to 5mm on outside
Bleed is set to 5mm on outside edges
Bleed quarter inch
Jacket text is within trim area
Text is within trim (exceptions)
Text is within trim area
Trim objects extend to bleed

Co-Edition checks

Correct layer naming and structure (Final)
Spots are layered and overprint

Document set-up checks

All artwork is mono [Black]
Artwork price matches stated price
CMYK non-overprinting (exceptions)
Correct bleed for jackets and covers
Correct layer naming and structure (Final)
Correct layer naming and structure (Final)
Correct layer naming and structure (Final)
Correct layer naming and structure (Final)
Correct layer naming and structure (WIP)
Correct trim page size
Document Colour Profile is set
ISBN artwork matches stated ISBN
Jacket template used
No articles are present
No objects using CMY inks
No spot colours used
No spreads are rotated
No text on CMYK layer (exceptions)
Objects are not anchored
Reading order matches stacking order
Same page size throughout
Text wraps only on text layer
Trigger order matches stacking order

Eprdctn checks

Para styles export valid CSS names
Text style export classes follow ScML
Text style names follow ScML

Image colour checks

CMYK images match document profile
CMYK images using document profile
No CMYK images used
No RGB images
No RGB images except NOTES layer

Image resolution checks

Images are 250ppi (exceptions allowed)
Images are 250ppi (no exceptions)
Images are 250ppi (specific exceptions allowed)
Images are 300ppi (exceptions allowed)
Images are 300ppi (no exceptions)
Images are 300ppi (specific exceptions allowed)
Translation images 250ppi (exceptions)

Image types checks

No EPS images used
No GIF images used
No JPEG images used
No PDF images used
No PNG images used

Naming checks

Document is named correctly
Document is named correctly
Document is named correctly
Document is named correctly
Document name uses regular characters
Folder name uses regular characters
Translation naming used correctly

Object position checks

All objects are inside bleed
All objects are inside slug
Printing objects are inside bleed

Spot colour checks

Endpapers use correct colours
No spot colours (exceptions)
No unused spots or special layers
Paper coloured objects not overprinting
Spot colours use correct naming
Spots are layered and overprint
Spots are layered and overprint
Spots are layered and overprint
Spots are layered and overprint

Text font checks

Fonts are all active
Fonts are all active (exceptions)
Fonts are not TrueType
Fonts are not Type 1 PostScript
Fonts are not Type 1 PostScript (exceptions)
Fonts are not from Adobe Fonts / Typekit
Fonts from Extensis Connect (exceptions allowed)
Fonts from Extensis Connect Fonts
Fonts from Extensis Connect or Adobe Fonts
Fonts from Extensis UTC
Fonts from Monotype
Fonts not from Extensis Connect Fonts
Fonts not from Extensis UTC
Fonts not from Monotype
Fonts only from Adobe Fonts

Text layer checks

Text layer images [Black] and overprinting
Text layer is [Black] and overprinting
Text objects do not use transparency

Text position checks

Text is not overset

Text style checks

All text has an applied style
No [Basic Paragraph] styled text
No strikethrough text
No text style overrides
No text style overrides (exceptions)
No text style overrides aside from tracking
No text style overrides ignoring tracking (exceptions)
Para styles based on [Basic Paragraph]
Read aloud text is live text