Document Tools

The CircularFLO Document Tools panel is used for adding the Preferences Panel and has tools for that quickly perform alterations to the entire document.

Convert spreads to wide page

Document Tools
Facing pages in InDesign are converted to a wider single page.

Modify the active InDesign document to ensure the double page spreads (DPS) pages cannot be split apart in the resulting ebook. Facing pages in InDesign are converted to a wider single page. Useful when dealing with complex read aloud or preventing Amazon files being shown as single pages.

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Document Tools

Split up long InDesign document

Document Tools
Split large documents into several smaller documents in an InDesign book panel.

A little used older tool that is still included in case older or slower Macs or InDesign versions are struggling to work with larger files. The document is split into several smaller documents and added to an newly created InDesign book panel.

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Document Tools

Unlock all layers and objects

Document Tools
Unlock all object in the active InDesign document.

Throughout the course of working on a document, you may have locked certain objects so that they cannot be disturbed while working on other elements nearby. There may come a point when you want to "do a reset" and unlock everything. With a single click, Unlock objects in current document will do just that—making all objects editable again. This saves you the trouble of having to do page-by-page in search of locked objects.

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Document Tools