Code & Widgets Tools

By enabling InDesign users to add widgets and web code onto the InDesign page, CircularFLO can greatly extend what is possible in interactive Fixed-Layout EPUBs without coding.

Check / Relink file paths

Code & Widgets Tools
Make sure linked code & widgets files are present.

If links are not present will offer the choice to relink to new files.

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Code & Widgets Tools

Create & Edit BookWidgets

Code & Widgets Tools

This BookWidgets app is linked towith the CircularFLO installer and also free to download from

This button will open the Mac BookWidgets app to help you create and edit BookWidgets for placing into InDesign pages with CircularFLO.

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Code & Widgets Tools

Place web code into InDesign

Code & Widgets Tools
Place an HTML file into the InDesign page.

Choose an HTML file then add the placeholder frame on the page on the FLO_WEB InDesign layer that is created.

Choose a single HTML file that is contained at the top level of a folder. All other resources should be local and within the folder either at the top level or in sub folders.

The dimensions of the web code become the proportions of the web code frame on the page. Depending on the content style, preserve the proportions when repositioning the web code frame by using Command- Shift drag on the frame corner handle in InDesign.

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Code & Widgets Tools

Place widgets into InDesign

Code & Widgets Tools
Choose an HTML widget into the InDesign page.

Choose the widget to place a place-holder frame on the page. When repositioning the widget it is advisable to preserve the proportions when repositioning the web code frame by using Command- Shift drag on the frame corner handle in InDesign.

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Code & Widgets Tools

Remove widget background

Code & Widgets Tools

BookWidgets typically come with an image or coloured background. This tool removes the background of a chosen widget allowing it to sit on top of the InDesign page.

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Code & Widgets Tools