GreenLight Mini Panel

A small, simple, one button panel that quickly runs the GreenLight process.

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The GreenLight Mini Panel is shown when launching GreenLight and can be found under the GreenLight menu > GreenLight Mini Panel

The GreenLight Mini Panel is a small one button panel and is simply a quick way to run the GreenLight process on an open InDesign document or to get more info on a particular check.

With a red row selected in a GreenLight Report, run GreenLight again to run this single check again and to also explain why the check result was false. If the problem is related to an object on the page then GreenLight will take you to the position in the InDesign document and select the problem area.

WIth a green row selected in a GreenLight Report, you are taken to the info page for that check on the GreenLight Online support site.

Hold down the command key (aka Apple key) when clicking the GreenLight Mini Panel to move to the GreenLight Report in the active InDesign document.

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